Working Group on Civic Education Classroom Research

The working group on civic edu­ca­tion class­room rese­arch has exis­ted since the begin­ning of the 1990s. Its mem­bers meet for work­shops on a regu­lar basis in order to dis­cuss sub­jects, methods and results of empi­ri­cal class­room rese­arch. So far, six­teen work­shops have taken place.

The aim of the working group is to dis­cuss cur­rent empi­ri­cal works on pro­ces­ses of lear­ning and tea­ching in civic education.

The mem­bers of the working group and the work­shop par­ti­ci­pants apply both quan­ti­ta­tive and qua­li­ta­tive rese­arch methods. Data coll­ec­tion depends on inte­rest and aim of the rese­arch. Indi­vi­dual rese­ar­chers and rese­arch groups have worked on the fol­lo­wing didac­ti­cally rele­vant topics:

    • Dif­fe­ren­tia­tion of the term “lear­ning” (coun­seling, social lear­ning, poli­ti­cal learning),
    • tea­chers’ and stu­dents’ every-day theories,
    • sys­te­ma­tic exami­na­tion of pro­fes­sio­nal knowledge/competencies of stu­dents in tea­ching degree pro­grams, tea­cher trai­nees and teachers,
    • use of poli­to­lo­gi­cal categories,
    • inter­faces in civic edu­ca­tion les­sons (e.g. intro­duc­tion, pre­sen­ta­tion, meta-les­son, deve­lo­p­ment of models).

Within the field of qua­li­ta­tive rese­arch, the fol­lo­wing methods have been applied:

  • Inter­views with stu­dents, tea­chers and tea­cher trai­nees (group inter­views, inten­sive interviews)
  • Ana­ly­sis of video sequen­ces, tran­scripts and writ­ten les­son plans.

Within the field of quan­ti­ta­tive rese­arch, IRT-sca­ling, regres­si­ons, mul­ti­le­vel ana­ly­sis and inter­ven­tion stu­dies are executed.

So far, results have been pre­sen­ted in five publi­ca­ti­ons (Henkenborg/Kuhn 1998; Rich­ter 2000; Richter/Schelle 2006; Weißeno/Schelle 2015; Manzel/Schelle 2017). Fur­ther­more, mem­bers of the working group have published num­e­rous other works on these topics.

The mee­tings of the working group on civic edu­ca­tion class­room rese­arch are desi­gned in the form of work­shops. In these work­shops, par­ti­ci­pants exch­ange ideas, seek cross-disci­pli­nary assis­tance for their own rese­arch areas and dis­cuss unans­we­red ques­ti­ons and metho­do­lo­gi­cal pro­blems. The work­shops are open to all those alre­ady working on empi­ri­cal rese­arch or pre­pa­ring such work.

Cur­rent conferences

03.12.–04.12.2020, Uni­ver­sity Duis­burg-Essen, Cam­pus Essen, cancelled!

Call for Papers and pro­grams of the pre­vious conferences

02.11.-03.11.2017, Leipzig University, Campus Augustusplatz, Workshop Invitation (German version)

CfP April 2017 (Ger­man version)Pro­gram Con­fe­rence April 2017 (Ger­man version)
CfP July 2015 (Ger­man version)Pro­gram Con­fe­rence July 2015 (Ger­man version)


Prof. Dr. Carla Schelle Insti­tut für Erziehungswissenschaft
Uni­ver­si­tät Mainz
Jakob Wel­der-Weg 12
D‑55128 Mainz


Prof. Dr. Sabine Manzel
Uni­ver­si­tät Duisburg-Essen
Fakul­tät für Gesellschaftswissenschaft/Didaktik der Sozialwissenschaften
Uni­ver­si­täts­str. 12
D‑45141 Essen