Working Group on Non-School Civic Education for Youth and Adult Civic Education

In pre­vious years, it has repea­tedly and jus­ti­fia­bly been remarked that the areas of non-school civic edu­ca­tion for youth and adult civic edu­ca­tion have hardly been visi­ble within the GPJE, alt­hough they were important mat­ters by the time it was foun­ded. In order to reprio­ri­tize these topics within the asso­cia­tion, Tonio Oef­te­ring (Leu­phana Uni­ver­sity, Lüne­burg) and Klaus-Peter Hufer (Uni­ver­sity Duis­burg-Essen) initia­ted the foun­ding of the working group on non-school civic edu­ca­tion for youth and adult civic edu­ca­tion in sum­mer 2015.

Fields of work, topics and rese­arch questions:

In spring 2016, a first mee­ting of the working group was held at the Uni­ver­sity of Han­no­ver. Pro­s­pec­tive fields of work, topics and rese­arch ques­ti­ons of the working group were defined.

1) Par­ti­ci­pants

  • What are the addres­sees’ and par­ti­ci­pants’ expec­ta­ti­ons towards civic education?
  • What are the reasons for their absence?
  • Which blind spots or self-refe­ren­tial decis­i­ons are poten­ti­ally pre­sent among those plan­ning civic edu­ca­tion units?

2) Fur­ther edu­ca­tion policy

  • What resour­ces, pos­si­ble insights and fields of action arise from the coope­ra­tion of pro­fes­sio­nal asso­cia­ti­ons of civic education?
  • To what ext­ent and by which means can non-school civic edu­ca­tion for youth and adult civic edu­ca­tion as a disci­pline be streng­the­ned at uni­ver­si­ties and col­leges of hig­her education?
  • Which forms of coope­ra­tion with uni­ver­si­ties and col­leges of hig­her edu­ca­tion are possible?
  • How can the working group con­tri­bute to the dis­cus­sion of pre­ca­rious employ­ment con­di­ti­ons of qua­li­fied col­le­agues in the work field of non-school civic education?

3) Pro­fes­sio­na­lism

  • Given the various approa­ches and cour­ses of study, is there a com­mon iden­tity as civic edu­ca­tion trainers?
  • What pro­fes­sio­nal pre­re­qui­si­tes and com­pe­ten­cies should civic edu­ca­tion trai­ners possess?
  • How does the exper­tise gathe­red in non-school civic edu­ca­tion gain access to the aca­de­mic discourse?

4) „Good“ civic education

  • What rese­arch instru­ments can be employed to con­tri­bute to a more effi­ci­ent impact research?
  • What insights does– increased – tea­ching-lear­ning rese­arch within the non-school civic edu­ca­tion for youth and adult civic edu­ca­tion provide?
  • What con­tri­bu­ti­ons can be made to the qua­li­fi­ca­tion of civic edu­ca­tion trai­ners working in the field?

5) Inter­sec­tions

  • What pro­ces­ses of poli­ti­ciza­tion and pos­si­bi­li­ties of civic edu­ca­tion does the infor­mal sec­tor offer?
  • Which pos­si­bi­li­ties of coope­ra­tion and exch­ange of expe­ri­en­ces exist in inter­na­tio­nal contexts?
  • In how far can prac­ti­cal civic edu­ca­tion serve tea­ching and rese­arch at uni­ver­si­ties and col­leges of hig­her education?


The second annual con­fe­rence of the working group on non-school civic edu­ca­tion for youth and adult civic edu­ca­tion has been can­cel­led. The CfP can be found here (Ger­man version).

The first annual con­fe­rence of the working group on non-school civic edu­ca­tion for youth and adult civic edu­ca­tion was held at the Leu­phana Uni­ver­sity Lüne­burg on Novem­ber 17/18, 2016. The con­fe­rence pro­gram can be found here (Ger­man version).


The docu­men­ta­tion of the first annual con­fe­rence has be published by Wochen­schau Ver­lag at the begin­ning of 2018:

Hufer, K.-P./ Oef­te­ring, T./ Opper­mann, J. (Eds.) 2018: Wo steht die außer­schu­li­sche poli­ti­sche Jugend- und Erwach­se­nen­bil­dung? Schwalbach/Ts.: Wochen­schau Verlag.


Prof. Dr. Tonio Oeftering
Carl von Ossietzky Uni­ver­si­tät Oldenburg
Fakul­tät I, Insti­tut für Sozialwissenschaften
Ammer­lan­der Heer­str. 114–118
D‑26111 Oldenburg
Phone: (+49)441–798-4181

Dr. Julia Oppermann
Leu­phana Uni­ver­si­tät Lüneburg
Insti­tut für Politikwissenschaft/Zentrum für Demokratieforschung
Scharn­horst­straße 1, C4.009b
21335 Lüneburg
Tele­fon: (+49)4131–6772462


Prof. Dr. Klaus-Peter Hufer
Uni­ver­si­tät Duisburg-Essen
Fakul­tät für Bildungswissenschaften
Peter­straße 30
D‑47906 Kempen
Phone: (+49)2152 53542
E‑Mail: klaus-peter.hufer@t‑