Working Group on Qualitative Interpretation

At the annual mee­ting of the GPJE in 2014 in Halle, the idea to estab­lish a com­mu­nity focu­sing on qua­li­ta­tive inter­pre­ta­tion was born. Mem­bers of the ECR then for­med a group which met regu­larly to inter­pret empi­ri­cal data. Back then, the group led by David Jahr, Farina Nagel, Ben­ja­min Moritz and Ste­fa­nie Kess­ler mainly worked with the docu­men­tary method.

Ori­gi­nally, the group was estab­lished for the ECR. But in 2023, the working group got a new name and was ope­ned for all rese­ar­chers. The quar­terly mee­tings are mainly being held online. Each mem­ber can take the respon­si­bi­lity for a mee­ting by brin­ging the empi­ri­cal data and intro­du­cing the method.

All rese­ar­chers, with and wit­hout pre­vious expe­ri­ence, are invi­ted to take part and bring their data and methods from all stages of their rese­arch. The focal point is the com­mon inter­pre­ta­tion, not the indi­vi­dual performance.


for­mer meeting:

June 13, 18–20 pm: cate­go­rial con­tent ana­ly­sis (Kuckartz/Rädiker 2022); civic edu­ca­tio­nal ESD with Anna Kre­ke­ler, Johan­nes Guten­berg Uni­ver­sity Mainz

Sep­tem­ber 6, 4–6pm: rese­arch stra­te­gies to define and examine didac­tic anti­no­mies with Char­lotte Keu­ler, Trier University

Dezem­ber 6, 4:00–5:30pm: open coding and inter­pre­ta­tion with pupils with Kon­stan­tin Korn, Jus­tus-Lie­big-Uni­ver­sity Gießen

Febru­ary 6, 4:15–17:45pm: defen­ding qua­li­ta­tive data with Jen­ni­fer Bloise, Rhein­land-Pfäl­zi­sche Uni­ver­si­tät Kaiserslautern-Landau


next mee­tings:

May 08, 4:15–5:45Uhr: How to deal with qua­lity cri­te­ria for qua­li­ta­tive rese­arch? A dis­cus­sion focus­sing on poli­ti­cal les­sons and the docu­men­tary method with Dr. David Jahr, Mar­tin-Luther-Uni­ver­sity Halle-Wittenberg

August 01, 6:15–7:45Uhr: the poli­ti­cal class­room as a room of news with Flo­rian Köh­ler and Prof. Dr. Sören Torrau, Fried­rich-Alex­an­der-Uni­ver­si­tät Nürnberg-Erlangen

Novem­ber 05, 4:15–5:45Uhr: Pat­terns for the pro­duc­tion of know­ledge  –  an inter­pre­ta­tion based on inter­views with Marina Braun, TU Dort­mund University



Char­lotte Keu­ler and Anna Krekeler



Char­lotte Keuler
Uni­ver­si­täts­ring 15
Didak­tik der Gesellschaftswissenschaften
D‑54296 Trier