Junior researcher conferences

Junior rese­ar­cher con­fe­ren­ces take place in the con­text of the annual GPJE con­fe­rence as well as in bet­ween the annual conferences.

Upco­ming junior rese­ar­cher conference

The upco­ming junior rese­ar­cher con­fe­rence will take place digi­tally on June 09–10, 2021, prior to the GPJE’s annual con­fe­rence (June 10–12), and is orga­ni­zed by Mär­the-Maria Stamer (Uni­ver­sity of Göt­tin­gen) and Char­lotte Keu­ler (Uni­ver­sity of Trier). As always, the second junior rese­ar­cher con­fe­rence of the year is not bound to any spe­ci­fic topics.
You can find fur­ther infor­ma­tion in the pro­gramme (Ger­man ver­sion) and in the accom­pany­ing book­let (Ger­man ver­sion). The regis­tra­tion for the digi­tal con­fe­rence is free and pos­si­ble here: http://gpje21.uni-goettingen.de/nachwuchstagung/. We are loo­king for­ward to see you!

A digi­tal junior rese­ar­cher assem­bly will take place in the con­text of this year’s second junior rese­ar­cher con­fe­rence. Indi­vi­du­als who want to par­ti­ci­pate in the assem­bly wit­hout atten­ding the con­fe­rence can get in touch with keuler@uni-trier.de before­hand. You will then receive the access link for the meeting.

Call for Papers: Edi­ted volume on per­spec­ti­ves on cri­ti­cal approa­ches to dris­cri­mi­na­tion in Civic Education

Sub­mis­si­ons for the edi­ted volume are pos­si­ble until June 30, 2021! Fur­ther infor­ma­tion can be found in the CfP (Ger­man ver­sion).

Past con­fe­ren­ces

Critical Approaches to Discrimination in Civic Education

GPJE junior researcher conference on Feb 26, 2021 (digital conference; organised by staff members of the Institut für Didaktik der Demokratie at the Leibniz University Hanover)

Program (German Version)
Methods of theory building and empirical research in Civic Education

GPJE junior researcher conference (Feb 17-18, 2020) in Gießen, Germany

Program (German Version)
Junior researcher conference in the context of the 20th annual GPJE conference (Jun 12-13, 2019) in Göttingen, GermanyProgram (German Version)
Heterogenity in Civic Education

GPJE junior researcher conference (Feb 14-15, 2019) in Köln, Germany

Program (German Version)
Junior research conference in the context of the 19th annual GPJE conference (Jun 13-14, 2018) in Mainz, GermanyProgram (German Version)
Junior research conference in the context of the 18th annual GPJE conference (Jun 21-22, 2017) in Duisburg-Essen, Germany
For the first time, both workshops on quantitative and qualitative methods as well as a lecture on the role of political theory for Civic Education Didactics were part of the conference program.
Program (German version)
Inclusion and Civic Education – Opportunities and Challenges
GPJE junior researcher conference (Feb 16-17, 2017) in Dresden, Germany
Program (German version)
Junior researcher conference in the context of the 17th annual GPJE conference (Jun 15-16, 2016) in Frankfurt/Main, GermanyProgram (German version)
Critical Civic Education
GPJE junior researcher conference (Feb 18-19, 2016) in Bremen, Germany
Program (German version)
GPJE junior researcher conference (Feb 19-20, 2015) in Gießen, GermanyProgram (German version)
Junior researcher conference in the context of the 15th annual GPJE conference (Jun 25-26, 2014) in Halle/Saale, GermanyProgram (German version)
Higher Education in Focus: New Approaches to Training Future Teachers in Civic Education?                                                               GPJE junior research conference (Jan 17-18, 2014) in Mainz, GermanyProgram (German version)
Junior researcher conference in the context of the 14th annual GPJE conference (Jun 12-13, 2013) in Hannover, GermanyProgram (German version)
GPJE junior researcher conference (Feb 18-19, 2013) in Jena, GermanyProgram (German version)
Junior researcher conference in the context of the 13th annual GPJE conference (Jun 20-21, 2012) in Dresden, GermanyProgram (German version)
Junior researcher conference in the context of the 12th annual GPJE conference (May 26, 2011) in Potsdam, Germany
Junior researcher conference in the context of the 11th annual GPJE conference (Jun 03, 2010) in Dortmund, Germany