Supporting junior researchers in the GPJE

Within the GPJE, more than 70 junior rese­ar­chers, pre­do­mi­nantly PhD can­di­da­tes and a few post­docs, are orga­ni­zed. The junior rese­ar­chers orga­nize recur­rent con­fe­ren­ces (curr­ently twice a year) as well as aca­de­mic publi­ca­ti­ons of their own. Obviously, junior rese­ar­chers also pre­sent their work at the annual con­fe­rence and at the working group con­fe­ren­ces of the GPJE.

In addi­tion, the junior rese­ar­chers fur­ther coor­di­nate their own mai­ling list in order to inform about cur­rent pro­jects, job adver­ti­se­ments and CfPs in the field of civic edu­ca­tion. Ques­ti­ons con­cer­ning the junior rese­ar­chers in the GPJE may be sent to the junior rese­ar­chers‘ repre­sen­ta­tive who also ser­ves as their repre­sen­ta­tive in the Mana­ging Com­mit­tee of the GPJE, Elia Sca­ra­muzza (

Joi­ning the GPJE as a junior researcher

Junior rese­ar­chers working in the field of civic edu­ca­tion may be admit­ted as mem­bers of the GPJE. Future junior rese­arch mem­bers need proof of a doc­to­ral dis­ser­ta­tion in the field of civic edu­ca­tion (cf. sta­tu­tes of the GPJE), e.g. a let­ter from the super­vi­sing pro­fes­sor. Junior rese­ar­chers pay a redu­ced annual mem­ber­ship fee (35 €).

If you want to apply for a GPJE mem­ber­ship, please use this appli­ca­tion form (Ger­man version).

Conferences and publications 

Twice a year, the junior rese­ar­chers of the GPJE orga­nize peer con­fe­ren­ces at dif­fe­rent uni­ver­si­ties. One day prior to the annual GPJE con­fe­rence, junior rese­ar­chers usually meet to dis­cuss cur­rent (PhD) pro­jects. Moreo­ver, they usually hold ano­ther con­fe­rence with a distinct sub­ject mat­ter in Febru­ary. A num­ber of publi­ca­ti­ons have ori­gi­na­ted from these conferences.


Gört­ler, Michael/Lotz, Mathias/Partetzke, Marc/Poma Poma, Sara/Winckler, Marie (Eds.) (2017): Kri­ti­sche poli­ti­sche Bil­dung. Stand­punkte und Per­spek­ti­ven (Cri­ti­cal Civic Edu­ca­tion. Points of View and Per­spec­ti­ves). (= Wochen­schau Wis­sen­schaft), Schwalbach/Ts.: Wochenschau.

Fischer, Christian/Gerhard, Uwe/Partetzke, Marc/Schmitt, Sophie (Eds.) (2015): Identität(en) aus Sicht der Poli­ti­schen Bil­dung (Per­spec­ti­ves On Identity(ies) In Civic Edu­ca­tion). (= Wochen­schau Wis­sen­schaft), Schwalbach/Ts.: Wochenschau.

Group of Aut­hors “Hig­her Edu­ca­tion” (Iwe­lina Fröh­lich, Bernt Gebauer, Chris­tian Meyer-Hei­de­mann, Marc Par­tetzke, Chris­to­phe Straub — Eds.) (2015): Hoch­schul­lehre in der poli­ti­schen Bil­dung. Didak­ti­sche und metho­di­sche Impulse (Hig­her Edu­ca­tion in Civic Edu­ca­tion. Didac­tic and Metho­dic Sti­muli). (= Wochen­schau Wis­sen­schaft), Schwalbach/Ts.: Wochenschau.

Beh­rens, Rico (Ed..) (2014): Kom­pe­tenz­ori­en­tie­rung in der poli­ti­schen Bil­dung. überdenken_weiterdenken (Com­pe­ten­cies in Civic Edu­ca­tion. Thin­king over_beyond). (= Wochen­schau Wis­sen­schaft) Schwalbach/Ts.: Wochenschau.

Besand, Anja (Ed.) (2006): Poli­ti­sche Bil­dung Rel­oa­ded. Per­spek­ti­ven und Impulse für die Zukunft (Civic Edu­ca­tion Rel­oa­ded. Per­spec­ti­ves and Sti­muli for the Future).  (= Wochen­schau Wis­sen­schaft), Schwalbach/Ts.: Wochenschau.