Prize for outstanding dissertations

About the Ursula Buch-Award

On Oct 31, 2005, the GPJE Mana­ging Com­mit­tee deci­ded to offer an award for junior researcher’s out­stan­ding work in the field of civic edu­ca­tion. The Ursula Buch Avard is endo­wed by the Wochen­schau Ver­lag (Wochen­schau publi­shing house).

The Award is named after Ursula Buch (1931–2016), a publisher who stood up for civic edu­ca­tion for over 50 years. Fil­ling young junior rese­ar­chers with enthu­si­asm for the disci­pline, accom­pany­ing and sup­port­ing them along their publi­shing pro­cess was always of par­ti­cu­lar con­cern to her.

The Ursula Buch Award sta­tu­tes (Ger­man ver­sion) con­tain fur­ther regulations.

The Ursula Buch Award, given to junior rese­ar­chers for their out­stan­ding work in the field of civic edu­ca­tion, was once again awarded in 2020.

Award Win­ner

2020: Jun.-Prof. Dr. Doro­thee Gro­no­stay for her cumu­la­tive dis­ser­ta­tion on „Argu­men­ta­tive Tea­ching-Lear­ning-Pro­ces­ses in Civic Edu­ca­tion – a video-based stuy“.

Gro­no­stay, Doro­thee (2019): Argu­men­ta­tive Lehr-Lern-Pro­zesse im Poli­tik­un­ter­richt – eine 
Video­stu­die. Wies­ba­den: Sprin­ger VS.

Prior Award Winners

2018: Prof. Dr. Sophie Schmitt for her dis­ser­ta­tion on „Bey­ond the “Social Ham­mock Land” – Labour and Unem­ploy­ment from ado­le­s­cents’ view. A Recon­s­truc­tion of their Ori­en­ta­ti­ons and their Importance for Civic Education“.

Schmitt, Sophie (2017): Jen­seits des Hän­ge­mat­ten­lan­des – Arbeit und Arbeits­lo­sig­keit aus der Sicht von Jugend­li­chen. Eine Rekon­struk­tion ihrer Ori­en­tie­run­gen und ihre Bedeu­tung für die poli­ti­sche Bil­dung. Schwalbach/Ts.: Wochenschau.


2016: Prof. Dr. Mat­thias Busch for his dis­ser­ta­tion on „Staats­bür­ger­kunde in the Wei­mar Repu­blic. Ori­gin of a Demo­cra­tic Didac­tic of the Discipline“.

Busch, Mathias (2016): Staats­bür­ger­kunde in der Wei­ma­rer Repu­blik: Genese einer demo­kra­ti­schen Fach­di­dak­tik. Bad Heil­brunn: Klinkhardt.


2013: Prof. Dr. Kers­tin Pohl for her dis­ser­ta­tion on „Socie­tal Theory in Civic Edu­ca­tion. The Recep­tion of Socie­tal Theo­ries in the Work of Her­mann Giesecke“.

Pohl, Kers­tin (2011): Gesell­schafts­theo­rie in der Poli­tik­di­dak­tik: Die Theo­rie­re­zep­tion bei Her­mann Gies­ecke, Schwalbach/Ts: Wochen­schau Verlag. 


2008: Prof. Dr. Sabine Man­zel for her dis­ser­ta­tion on „Gro­wing Com­pe­ten­cies in Civic Edu­ca­tion. Results of an Inter­ven­tion Study on the Core Con­cept Europe“.

Man­zel Sabine (2007): Kom­pe­tenz­zu­wachs im Poli­tik­un­ter­richt: Ergeb­nisse einer Inter­ven­ti­ons­stu­die zum Kern­kon­zept Europa, Müns­ter [u.a.]: Wax­mann Verlag.