Within the GPJE, more than 70 junior researchers, predominantly PhD candidates and a few postdocs, are organized. The junior researchers organize recurrent conferences (currently twice a year) as well as academic publications of their own. Obviously, junior researchers also present their work at the annual conference and at the working group conferences of the GPJE.
In addition, the junior researchers further coordinate their own mailing list in order to inform about current projects, job advertisements and CfPs in the field of civic education. Questions concerning the junior researchers in the GPJE may be sent to the junior researchers‘ representative who also serves as their representative in the Managing Committee of the GPJE, Elia Scaramuzza (scaramuzza@politik.uni-mainz.de).
Joining the GPJE as a junior researcher
Junior researchers working in the field of civic education may be admitted as members of the GPJE. Future junior research members need proof of a doctoral dissertation in the field of civic education (cf. statutes of the GPJE), e.g. a letter from the supervising professor. Junior researchers pay a reduced annual membership fee (35 €).
If you want to apply for a GPJE membership, please use this application form (German version).
Conferences and publications
Twice a year, the junior researchers of the GPJE organize peer conferences at different universities. One day prior to the annual GPJE conference, junior researchers usually meet to discuss current (PhD) projects. Moreover, they usually hold another conference with a distinct subject matter in February. A number of publications have originated from these conferences.
Görtler, Michael/Lotz, Mathias/Partetzke, Marc/Poma Poma, Sara/Winckler, Marie (Eds.) (2017): Kritische politische Bildung. Standpunkte und Perspektiven (Critical Civic Education. Points of View and Perspectives). (= Wochenschau Wissenschaft), Schwalbach/Ts.: Wochenschau.
Fischer, Christian/Gerhard, Uwe/Partetzke, Marc/Schmitt, Sophie (Eds.) (2015): Identität(en) aus Sicht der Politischen Bildung (Perspectives On Identity(ies) In Civic Education). (= Wochenschau Wissenschaft), Schwalbach/Ts.: Wochenschau.
Group of Authors “Higher Education” (Iwelina Fröhlich, Bernt Gebauer, Christian Meyer-Heidemann, Marc Partetzke, Christophe Straub — Eds.) (2015): Hochschullehre in der politischen Bildung. Didaktische und methodische Impulse (Higher Education in Civic Education. Didactic and Methodic Stimuli). (= Wochenschau Wissenschaft), Schwalbach/Ts.: Wochenschau.
Behrens, Rico (Ed..) (2014): Kompetenzorientierung in der politischen Bildung. überdenken_weiterdenken (Competencies in Civic Education. Thinking over_beyond). (= Wochenschau Wissenschaft) Schwalbach/Ts.: Wochenschau.
Besand, Anja (Ed.) (2006): Politische Bildung Reloaded. Perspektiven und Impulse für die Zukunft (Civic Education Reloaded. Perspectives and Stimuli for the Future). (= Wochenschau Wissenschaft), Schwalbach/Ts.: Wochenschau.